Yayınlar & Eserler

SCI, SSCI ve AHCI İndekslerine Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
Diğer Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
Hakemli Kongre / Sempozyum Bildiri Kitaplarında Yer Alan Yayınlar

The shifting paradigm in primary care for diabetes clinical management: should the kidneys be a new focus?

28th WONCA Europe Conference “Making choices in primary care” , Brussels, Belçika, 7 - 10 Haziran 2023, ss.997 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

How to communicate with diabetic patients who are reluctant to start an injectable therapy

European Conference of Family Doctors DEGAM Annual Congress WONCA Europe Regional Conference 2020, Berlin, Almanya, 16 - 19 Aralık 2020, ss.2-3 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

A disease state approach to the pharmacological management of type 2 diabetes in primary care: a position statement by Primary Care Diabetes Europe

European Conference of Family Doctors DEGAM Annual Congress 2020WONCA Europe Regional Conference 2020, Berlin, Almanya, 16 - 19 Aralık 2020, ss.1-2 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

Initiating insuline therapy in primary care: a practical approach (PCDE WS)

24th WONCA Europe Conference, Bratislava, Slovakya, 24 - 29 Haziran 2019, sa.1229, ss.267

WORKSHOP: Management of multimorbidity in primary care (WS IPCRG)

24th WONCA Europe Conference 2019, Bratislava, Slovakya, 24 - 29 Haziran 2019, sa.885, ss.265

WORKSHOP: Treatment with injectables is easier than you think: how to communicate with reluctant patients (PCDE WS)

24th WONCA Europe Conference 2019, Bratislava, Slovakya, 24 - 29 Haziran 2019, sa.1241, ss.268

Being Liminal: Syrians for the Health of Syrians

Reproductive Health Working Group (RHWG) Annual Meeting, Amman, Ürdün, 11 - 13 Temmuz 2017, cilt.1, ss.1-2

Akılcı İlaç Kullanımı ve Reçete Yazma Eğitiminin Öğrenciler Tarafından Değerlendirilmesi

UTES 2017 Ulusal Tıp Eğitimi Sempozyumu, Antalya, Türkiye, 15 - 17 Mart 2017, cilt.00, sa.0

Profesyonellik Eğitiminde Etik ve İnsan Bilimleri:Acıbadem Üniversitesi Örneği

Türkiye Biyoetik Derneği 8. Sempozyumu: Sağlık Bilimlerinde Etik Eğitimi, Ankara, Türkiye, 1 - 03 Kasım 2013, ss.89-90

Ethical reasoning in clinical years: ethics rounds, Acibadem University experience

28th European Conference on Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care, Bioethics and Biopolitics, Debrecen, Macaristan, 27 - 30 Ağustos 2014, ss.132-133 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

Cambridge Bioethics Education Turkey Working Group

Second International Conference on Education in Ethics, Ankara, Türkiye, 21 - 23 Mayıs 2014, ss.77-78 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

Aile Hekimlerinin Yaşadığı Etik Sorunlar Düzce Örneği

II. Uluslararası Tıp Etiği ve Tıp Hukuku Kongresi, Bursa, Türkiye, 4 - 07 Kasım 2009

High prevalence of urinary incontinence in diabetic women is independent of age; preliminary results of a case-control study

43rd Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-Diabetes, Amsterdam, Hollanda, 18 - 21 Eylül 2007, cilt.50 identifier

Diabetes, coronary heart disease and C-reactive protein in high-risk individuals undergoing coronary angiography

42nd Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-Diabetes (EASD), Copenhagen, Danimarka, 14 - 17 Eylül 2006, cilt.49, ss.711-712 identifier

Integrative Approach to Family Medicine Residency Programmes in Turkey

12. Regional Conference of WONCA Europe ESGP/FM, Florence, İtalya, 27 - 30 Ağustos 2006

Does type of onset in Type 2 diabetes mellitus have prognostic value in terms of glycaemia and diabetic complications?

40th Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-Diabetes, Munich, Almanya, 5 - 09 Eylül 2004, cilt.47 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma identifier

Hemodynamic parameters in diabetic and non-diabetic subjects; a case control study

18th Congress of the International-Diabetes-Federation, Paris, Fransa, 24 - 29 Ağustos 2003, cilt.46 identifier

Antibiotic Use at a Primary Care Instıtutıon from Kocaeli, Turkey: A Short-Term Study

EGPRN Spring Meeting ”Infectious Disease in General Practice”, Ankara, Türkiye, 08 Mayıs 2003 - 11 Mart 2001, cilt.9, ss.104-115 identifier

Patients Evaluate Family Practice Turkey Results

2nd EQUIP Conference ”Quality in Familt Practice from Ideals to Implementation, Lizbon, Portekiz, 21 - 23 Kasım 2002

Students Evaluate Clinical Skills Laboratory Practice

2nd EQUIP Conference ”Quality in Familt Practice from Ideals to Implementation, Lisbon, Portekiz, 21 - 23 Kasım 2002

Is there a relationship between metabolic parameters and pulse pressure in Type 2 diabetes? A cross sectional study.

38th EASD Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-Diabetes, Budapest, Macaristan, 1 - 05 Eylül 2002, cilt.45 identifier
Kitap & Kitap Bölümleri

Nadir Hastalık Yönetiminde Birinci Basamak Sağlık Hizmetlerinin Önemi

Nadir Hastalıklar, Uğur Özbek, Editör, Türkiye Klinikleri Yayınevi, Ankara, ss.15-18, 2021

Pandeminin Epidemiyolojisi ve Hastalık Yükü - Bulaşıcı Olmayan Hastalıklar Çalışma Grubu

Halk Sağlığı Bakış Açısıyla COVID-19, Pandeminin İlk Yılı: yapılanlar–yapıl(a)mayanlar–yapılması gerekenler, Üner,S. ve Okyay, P., Editör, HİPOKRAT YAYINCILIK, Ankara, ss.55-90, 2021 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

Romatoloji ve Kas-İskelet Sistemi Sorunları

Robert E. Rakel, David P. Rakel. Aile Hekimliği, 9. Baskı, Pınar Topsever,Demet Dinç, Editör, Güneş Kitapevi, Ankara, ss.699-739, 2019

Ausländische Patienten

Allgemeinmedizin und Familienmedizin, Micheal M. Kochen, Editör, Georg Thieme Verlag , Stuttgart, ss.179-188, 2017

Using Drama Students/Actors as Simulated Patients in Medical Education: Sharing the Experience of a Clinical Communications Skills Course New

The World Book of Family Medicine – Iberoamericana Edition 2016 45, Carl Steylaerts, Editör, Stichting WONCA Europe, Ljubljana, ss.1-3, 2016

Quality of Life and Age Urinary Incontinence Severity: Turkish Perspectives

Handbook of Disease Burdens and Quality of Life Measures, Preedy V.R.,Watson R.R., Editör, Springer-Verlag , New-York, ss.2745-2757, 2010 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma



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