
An fmri based method for characterizing superficial layer contamination in fnirs signals

Doktora - 2014

Non-invasive detection of spike activity of the stomach from cutaneous EGG

Doktora - 1998

Yönetilen Tezler

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Measuring changes in cerebral oxygenation and hemodynamics during obstructive sleep apnea by functional near infrared spectroscopy

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A neurovascular coupling model based on nitric oxide and carbon dioxide and its validation with two-photon microscopy imaging

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The stoichiometric coupling between astrocytes and neuron

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Task Induced Brain Activation Analysis Based On fNIRS Data During Stroop Task

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Proof of Concept for Mutation Detection with Quartz Crystal Microbalance Sensor based on Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification

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A biochemical model for the interactions between tumor cell mass and vascular endothelial cells leading to angiogenesis

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Nonlinear state and parameter estimation of the hemodynamic model using fMRI bold signal

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System characterization for a fast optical imager

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Machine Learning Assisted Design of Experiment

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A Machine Learning Based Blood Pressure Detection System from Speech Recordings

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Statistical analysis of cognitive signals measured by fNIRS

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Analysis of medical data

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An information theoretical approach to functional connectivity in brain

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An fmri based method for characterizing superficial layer contamination in fnirs signals

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Similarity and consistency analysis of functional connectivity maps

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Design of DNA-Hydrogel Based Quartz Crystal Microbalance

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SOD1 A4V mutation increases Nav1.3 channel excitability on xenopus laevis oocyte

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Healing Effect of Carbon Quantum Dots

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Explanable AI Applications in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation

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Automatic Semantic Segmentation of Organs at Risk and Target Tumor Volume in Radiotherapy Planning CT Images of Nasopharyngeal Cancer

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