Nöropsikiyatri Arşivi Dergisi, vol.49, no.1, pp.83-85, 2011 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Aspergillosis infection located primarily in the frontal sinus and invading into the
dura is rare. A 74-year-old male patient was admitted with headache of 3-month
duration that did not respond to analgesics. Cranial MRI showed an irregular
hyperintense lesion in T2 FLAIR and T1 FLAIR, arising from the right frontal sinus
and advancing to the intracranial space. A collection, hyperintense on T2 FLAIR
and isointense on T1 FLAIR, adjacent to the left frontal sinus was observed,
consistent with epidural empyema. The lesions were drained surgically, and
subsequently treated with antifungal therapy using Amphotericin B. The headache
resolved completely after surgical drainage. The patient has been followed-up for
a year and is currently asymptomatic. Aspergillosis infections lodging primarily in
the frontal sinus and spreading to the dura are very rare, therefore, we report this
case in the present paper. (Archives of Neuropsychiatry 2012;49: 83-5)
Key words: Frontal, sinus, epidural, aspergillosis, empyema