MANOĞLU B., Soyder A., Yenisey C.

JOURNAL OF BASIC AND CLINICAL HEALTH SCIENCES, sa.3, ss.836-841, 2022 (ESCI) identifier


Purpose: To investigate the importance of nutrition in the development of seroma after breast surgery. Seroma is the most common complication after mastectomy where the incidence varies between 10 and 50%. Seroma is a complication which may lead to delayed additional treatment due to skin necrosis, infection, delayed wound healing, and should be taken seriously.Material and Methods: Totally 40 rats, divided into groups of 10, were used in this experimental study. Group 1 (control) was fed normal rat feed, Group 2 was fed normal rat feed at a rate about 70% of that of Group 1 (malnutrition), and Group 3 and 4 was fed protein-rich diet (Glutamine-Arginine-Methyl Butyrate) (10g protein /kg/day) for 7 days preoperatively, and unilateral (right) pectoral major muscle excision and axillary dissection were performed in the groups and on Day 7. Postoperatively, Group 1 was fed normal rat feed, Group 2 was fed normal rat feed at a rate about 70% of that of the control group, Group 3 was fed normal rat feed and Group 4 was fed protein-rich diet for 10 days. On postoperative day 10, seroma samples were collected and the animals were sacrificed.Results: Seroma volumes were 1.5ml (1ml-2.5ml) in the control group, 1.5ml (1ml-2.75ml) in the malnutrition group, 1ml (0.5ml-1ml) in Group 3 (fed protein-rich diet preoperatively), and 0.75ml (0.5ml-1ml) in Group 4 (fed protein-rich diet preoperatively and postoperatively). The seroma volumes were expressed as median values. Based on these values, the seroma volumes were significantly lower in the groups which were fed protein-rich diet (p=0.001). Conclusion: According to results of recent study, we can advocate that, administration of protein-rich diet both pre-and post-operatively may lead to reduction in seroma formation. We believe that clinical studies should be planned in a similar manner.