Hey Siri! Perform a type 3 hysterectomy. Please watch out for the ureter!" What is autonomous surgery and what are the latest developments?

Gultekin I. B., KARABÜK E., KÖSE M. F.

JOURNAL OF THE TURKISH-GERMAN GYNECOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, cilt.22, sa.1, ss.58-70, 2021 (Hakemli Dergi) identifier identifier identifier


As a result of major advances in deep learning algorithms and computer processing power, there have been important developments in the fields of medicine and robotics. Although fully autonomous surgery systems where human impact will be minimized are still a long way off, systems with partial autonomy have gradually entered clinical use. In this review, articles on autonomous surgery classified and summarized, with the aim of informing the reader about questions such as " What is autonomic surgery?" and in which areas studies are progressing.