Preoperative inspiratory muscle training coupled to aerobic exercises to prevent postoperative pulmonary complications in patients undergoing thoracic surgery (INSPIRE study): a multicentre randomized controlled trial

Toraman F. (Yürütücü)

Diğer Ülkelerin Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları Tarafından Desteklenmiş Proje, 2022 - 2024

  • Proje Türü: Diğer Ülkelerin Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları Tarafından Desteklenmiş Proje
  • Başlama Tarihi: Ocak 2022
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Ocak 2024

Proje Özeti

Preoperative inspiratory muscle training coupled to aerobic exercises to prevent postoperative pulmonary complications in patients undergoing thoracic surgery (INSPIRE study):

a multicentre randomized controlled trial









1. 1. Objectives. 6

1.2. Medical problem/Background. 6

Postoperative pulmonary complications: incidence and risk factors. 6

Pre-operative optimisation, exercise and inspiratory muscle training. 7

1.3. Research question(s) 8

1.3.1. Primary aim: 8

1.3.2. Secondary aims: 9

1.4. Methods and Measurements. 9

1.4.1. Study centers: 9

1.4.2. Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria for Studies. 9

1.4.3. Outcome Measures. 10

1.4.4. Blinding. 12

1.4.5. Interventions. 12

1.5. Statistical Analysis. 13

1.5.1. Sample Size. 13

1.5.2. Data Analysis. 14

1.6. Risk Benefit Assesment 14

1.7. Data Confidentiality. 14

1.8. Ethical and Regulatory Aspects (including support of departmental chairs) 15

1.9. References: 15

2. BUDGET. 18

2.1. Personnel 18

2.2. Equipment 19

2.3. Other Costs. 19

2.4. Total funds requested. 19

2.5. Budget Justification. 19

2.7. List of facilities, equipment, supplies and services. 20

3. CV of Applicants. 21




Title: Preoperative inspiratory muscle training coupled to aerobic exercices to prevent postoperative pulmonary complications in patients undergoing thoracic surgery (INSPIRE study): a multicentre randomized controlled trial

Date : 14/06/2019

Lead applicant :

Dr. Emre Sertaç Bingül

Other applicants :

Prof Dr Marc Licker

Prof Dr Frédéric Triponez

Prof Dr Bengt Kayser                                         

Prof Dr Fevzi Toraman

Prof Dr Zerrin Sungur

Institution of the lead applicant: Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology, Capa Clinics, PK 34093, Istanbul - Turkey

Corresponding applicant

Dr. Emre Sertaç Bingül

Tel : + 90 554 424 88 22

Fax : + 90 212 533 20 83





Postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs) are the most frequent complications occurring after thoracic surgery and they are associated with prolonged hospital stay, decreased survival and expanding medical costs. Preoperative aerobic endurance training (AET) and Inspiratory Muscle Training (IMT) by enhancing skeletal muscle function and improving tissue oxygen delivery may result in fewer PPCs. Therefore, we propose a multicentre randomized, open, blinded end point controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of IMT coupled with AET in patients scheduled for thoracic surgery. Patients awaiting surgery will be randomized on a 1:1 basis into an intervention arm (coached, home-based AET-IMT group) and a sham- arm (Control group). In the AET-IMT group, patients will will be asked to use a flow resistive device (five sets of 10 repetitions, twice a day and to increase their daily physical activities (targeting an equivalent of 5’000 steps) until surgery. Primary study endpoint will be the incidence of PPCs (e.g., atelectasis, pneumonia, respiratory failure) according to European Perioperative Clinical Outcome (EPCO) definitions. Secondary outcomes will include non-respiratory complications (e.g., myocardial infarct, new/worsening heart failure, wound infection), utilization of hospital resources (e.g., hospital length of stay, ICU admission, health cost analysis), recovery outcomes (e.g., patient-reported survey of health outcomes (SF-36) and Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS)), functional data (maximal inspiratory pressure and endurance, diaphragm thickness and maximal excursion, 6-min walking test, room-air test), and in vitro studies of diaphragm samples (e.g., morphometry, oxidative stress and ubiquitin-proteasome pathway). Assuming an incidence of  39% PPCs and expecting 33% reduction of PPCs in AET-IMT group, 203 patients will be required in each arm (significance level of 0.05 and power of 80%). Taking into account dropouts (5%) and in-hospital mortality rate (2.0%), a total of 436 thoracic surgery patients will be enrolled.



1. 1. Objectives

An approach combining AET and IMT represents a simple, non-expansive intervention that may recondition patient’s physical fitness and enhance his ability to sustain surgical stress. Since a sizeable number of cancer patients are declared unfit for surgery due to severe cardiopulmonary disease or poor functional status, implementation of an AET-IMT protocol may represent a cost-effective approach to increase the number of surgical candidates and to facilitate the fast-track pathway of major surgery.

1.2. Medical problem/Background

Postoperative pulmonary complications: incidence and risk factors  

Complications arising following major surgery pose a major healthcare challenge by prolonging hospital stay and increasing medical costs while decreasing patient quality of life and survival. 1–4 Presently, postoperative pulmonary complications (PPC) are the most common serious adverse events with a reported incidence of 2%–50%.5,6 The variability in PPC reporting has been addressed in the European Perioperative Clinical Outcome consensus document which defines PPCs based on the presence of respiratory failure, pneumonia, atelectasis, pleural effusion, pneumothorax and bronchospasm.7 Estimates suggest that more than 1 million PPCs occur annually in the United States, with 46 200 related deaths and 4.8 million additional hospitalization days.8

Patients undergoing thoracic or abdominal surgery are prone to develop PPCs that largely contribute to postoperative morbidity and mortality.5,9–12 Consistent mechanisms involve reduction in functional residual capacity (CRF) and total lung capacity (TLC) that results in ventilation– perfusion mismatch, atelectasis and hypoxemia.13 The restrictive pulmonary syndrome may be a consequence of general anaesthesia, postoperative pain from thoracic incisions and diaphragmatic dysfunction, as well as decreased lung and chest wall compliance. 13,14 

Advanced age, the severity of pre-existing cardiopulmonary diseases, the extent and duration of surgical resection, body mass index, nutritional status as well as low aerobic capacity have all been identified as risk factors for PPCs.15–17 Lower aerobic fitness, evaluated by measuring the peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak) during cardiopulmonary maximal exercise testing, and poor exercise tolerance have been reported in patients scheduled for lung cancer resection and the group of patients with VO2peak lower than 15-16 is at greater risk to develop major postoperative cardiopulmonary complications.18,19

So far, the importance of respiratory muscle dysfunction has largely been underestimated in the pathogenesis of PPCs. Weakness of the respiratory muscles is often associated with poor aerobic fitness in the context of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), heart failure (HF) and muscular deconditioning.(Verissimo et al. 2015; Montemezzo et al. 2014; Jung et al. 2016) In the early postoperative period, further impairment in the contractile performance of respiratory muscles results from residual effects of anaesthetic agents, surgery-induced systemic inflammation, ventilator-associated respiratory muscle disuse and incisional pain.(Welvaart et al. 2011; Kim et al. 2010) Importantly, weak inspiratory muscles are less “fatigue resistant” when faced with the increased inspiratory loading conditions that prevail following anaesthesia emergence as a result of reduced lung volumes and airflow limitations.(Sieck et al. 2013)

Pre-operative optimisation, exercise and inspiratory muscle training                  

Pre-operative patient’s optimisation entailed general measures such as correction of anaemia and malnutrition, adjusting treatments for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma as well as providing advices to stop (or reduce) smoking and alcohol consumption 20–22.  

Impairment in aerobic capacity and respiratory muscle weakness should be considered modifiable risk factors in patients awaiting major surgery. Both global aerobic physical training and inspiratory muscle training have been shown effective in inducing morphological and functional changes in the diaphragm while improving the clinical conditions of patients with COPD or HF.23,24 Preliminary data also suggest that preoperative physical training contribute to lower pulmonary morbidity and to accelerate recovery after lung resection.25–27

The safety and efficacy of a short-term high intensity interval physical training has been evaluated in a RCT including patients awaiting lung cancer resection at the University Hospital in Geneva and at the Valais Hospital in Sion. During the waiting period before surgery, the physical performances (walking distance at the six-minute walk test and VO2peak) were significantly improved in the exercise training group whereas further reductions were reported in the control group.( Licker M et al. 2017) Although mortality and the composite morbidity endpoint did not differ between the two groups, preoperative physical training was associated with improved aerobic fitness and a 40% reduction in PPCs. Yet, these functional benefits were not sustained at 1-year follow-up. 29

The major reasons for failure to achieve positive effects in some patients are related to the short time period (2-3 weeks), poor adhesion to treatment and the inability to perform the prescribed exercises (e.g., cycling, rowing, running). On the other hand, treatment effects could be also overestimated due to lack of adequate blinding, small-study effects, and publication bias. Therefore, underlying mechanisms leading to PPCs deserve new exploratory translational approaches and innovative treatments need to be tested. Ïmportantly, most if not all previous trials evaluating the efficacy of AET or/and IMT have been conducted in hospitals or specialized centers where patients were trained with various programs; therefore, compliance and adhesion to the prescribed interventions was sometimes limited or poorly reported.

References are given at the end of item 1.

1.3. Research question(s)

1.3.1. Primary aim:

The plasticity of the skeletal muscles, particularly respiratory striated fibers, allows adaptive morphological and functional changes in response to specific training loads 30. The high intensity modality for IMT has been shown effective in COPD patients and those with HF 9,31. Such type of physical training provides a time-efficient alternative to high volume and global endurance training in increasing respiratory muscle function before major surgery.

Our main research question will be to question whether an individualized respiratory training program coupled with global aerobic exercises would protect the thoracic surgical patients against PPCs. In contrast with previous trials, the training program will be home-based and individualized according to the patient’s abilities.

1.3.2. Secondary aims:

Secondary aims are to find whether preoperative AET-IMT

·         induces phenotypic changes within the diaphragm and minimizes the early postoperative reduction in maximal inspiratory pressure and lung volumes

·         is associated with shorter hospital length of stay, fewer admission in ICU and it represents a cost-effective perioperative intervention

·         is associated with lower in-hospital morbidity and improved medium-term quality of life.

1.4. Methods and Measurements

1.4.1. Study centers:

The INSPIRE Study is a multicenter randomized, open, blinded end point controlled trial. The trial will be conducted in Switzerland and Turkey in the following hospitals:

·         Acıbadem University Hospital in Istanbul,

·         Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Hospital in Istanbul,

·         the Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (HUG),

·         the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) in Lausanne,

·         the Hôpital du Valais in Sion

1.4.2. Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria for Studies

Inclusion criteria for consenting patients are as follows:

Adult thoracic surgery patients with proven or suspected non-small cell lung cancer, stage IIIA or less (TNM classification) will be recruited if the following inclusion criteria will be met:

·         Planned lung resection,

·         ARISCAT 11  score >30

Exclusion criteria:

·         Patients unable to understand and perform the AET-IMT,

·         Patients with chest pain (osteoarticular problem) or at risk of pneumothorax

·         Patients<18 years of age will be excluded.

1.4.3. Outcome Measures

Clinical data:

·         Any postoperative complications occurring during the hospital stay and within 30 days after surgery will be reported according to Clavien-Dindo classification schema with a modified version of the thoracic mortality and morbidity (TMM) classification system for thoracic surgery 32 and European Perioperative Clinical Outcome (EPCO) definitions for single organ and composite outcomes for abdominal surgery 7.

·         Information regarding patient characteristics and treatment such as comorbidities, treatment and prior chemotherapy, lung functional testing, cardiopulmonary exercise test, tumor staging, operation details (incision, duration of surgery and anesthesia, extent of resection, fluids), ICU admission; hospital length stay; discharge location (home, rehabilitation center, nursing home, other hospital).

Functional data :

·         Maximal voluntary respiratory pressures will be registered at the mouth: from total lung capacity for maximal expiratory pressure (MEP) or from residual volume for maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP). To measure inspiratory muscle endurance, patients will be asked to breathe against a submaximal inspiratory load provided by the flow resistive loading device (POWER breathe KH1or KH5), until task failure. 33 Number of breaths, average duty cycle (inspiratory time as a fraction of the total respiratory cycle duration), average mean load, average mean power and total external inspiratory work will be recorded.

·         In a subset of patients (N=50), the diaphragm thickness (mm) will be assessed by B-mode ultrasonography at FRC and at TLC using a linear 7.5-MHz linear probe.34 The largest excursion of the diaphragm will be recorded from the end of normal expiration to end of maximal inspiration.

·         The six-minute walk test will be performed by the researcher; the severity of dyspnoea will be rated using the modified Borg scale (from 0 to 10), as well as the level of physical activity over 3 consecutive days (pre/post-IMT) with a multiaxis accelerometer (ActiSmile SA, Baar, CH).

Health-related quality of life:

·         The Short Form 36 (SF-36) Health-related Quality of Life Questionnaire

·         Self-report measures for adults for functions, symptoms, behaviors, and feelings by computer adaptive testing (Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS)) will be used.

Economic evaluation - Cost Analysis

·         Direct health care costs (i.e., preoperative ambulatory treatment; in-hospital treatment costs, covering costs for staff and materials) will be reported using time units (e.g., time for nursing and anaesthesia services), units of other resources (e.g., drugs or medical materials), and current prices via the hospital cost accounting system.

In vitro studies (Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva) 

At the end of the surgical procedure, biopsies will be taken from the anterior costal diaphragm (lateral to the insertion of the phrenic nerve) and stored frozen (N=12 per group) only for thoracic surgical patients.

·         Histology: the fiber cross sectional area and the relative proportions of myosin heavy chain (MHC) I (type I), MHC IIa (type IIa), and MHC IIx/IIb (type IIx/IIb) will be determined.

·         Studies of the Ubiquitin-Proteasome pathway and caspase-3, mitochondrial e- transport

o   Isolation of 20S proteasomes and measurement of the proteolytic Activity (fluorogenic substrates succinyl-Leu-Leu-Val-Tyr-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin (LLVY) and N-carbenzoxy-Leu-Leu-Glu-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin)

o   The mRNA expressions of E3 ligases involved in skeletal muscle protein ubiquitination will be measured by real-time PCR (FBOX32 (Atrogin-1), TRIM36 (MuRF1), TRIM32 and FBOX30 (MUSA1)).

o   Quantification of Enzymatic Activities: NAD(P)H oxidase, aconitase, fumarase, glutathione peroxidase, catalase, superoxide dismutase and manganese superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD) as well as creatine kinase.


            1.4.4. Blinding

In each participating centre, one researcher will screen for eligibility in the preoperative clinic and will perform the informed consent procedure and the baseline and follow-up measurements. This local researcher, the surgeons, and other medical staff will be blinded for group allocation. Consenting patients will be randomized on-line via research electronic data capture software randomization module (REDCAP) on a 1:1 basis into an intervention arm (AET-IMT group) and a sham arm (Control group) by  the physical therapist who will not be blinded.

            1.4.5. Interventions

All patients will be adviced to remain physically active, to avoid alcohol beverage and to stop smoking. Instructions will be given about postoperative physical therapy to facilitate early mobilization and independent functioning in daily living activities.   

·         In the AET-IMT group, patients will receive detailed instructions and be trained how to use the IMT device and which type of exercise they should perform. Several exercise modalities (walking, stair climbing) will be proposed according to patient’s abilities and choice with the aim to achieve approximately 5’000 steps/day. Respiratory training will be tailored individually using a variable flow resistive loading device (POWERbreathe KH1-series). The application of a tapered load allows patients to get close to maximal inspiration, even at high-training intensities. Based on our preliminary results, the inspiratory training session will start at 40% of baseline maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) and the patient will be asked to perform five sets of 10 repetitions followed by 1–2 min of unloaded recovery breathing off the device, twice a day, 7 days a week. Patients will be instructed during a face-to-face instruction session using the IMT device and educational video. To facilitate compliance to the training protocol, patients will receive an instruction movie (with step-by-step description of AET-IMT), they will also be asked to record their activities (diary) and to contact the research assistant whenever necessary.

Training results (load, power, volume, t-index) will be recorded (on-line diary after each training session). The MIP values and the rates of perceived inspiratory effort on a modified Borg Scale will be used to support decisions on training load increments for the next sessions (10% increase, Borg scale, > 6/10).35 After the first face-to-face instruction session, the researcher will contact the patient by phone or e-mail within 2 days. When problems detected in adherence to protocol (training and/or recording is not performed as instructed), researcher will make a follow-up appointment with the patient to repeat the instruction. Once a week, the AET-IMT will be supervised by a researcher. Subsequently, training progress will be evaluated during a weekly consultation by the researcher. At the end of the training period, the AET-IMT will be evaluated with a questionnaire. All involved researchers guiding patients during the IMT period will receive same standard education and training during a meeting on the theory and practice of IMT organized by the research group.

·         Control group: Patients will receive advices to remain physically active and to start breathing with the IMT device at an initial workload of 10 cmH2O and increasing by 2.5 cmH2O every week. Sessions will be performed twice daily (10 min) until the day of surgery.

For all patients, thoracic surgery will be performed either through video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) or antero-lateral thoracotomy under general anesthesia and appropriate monitoring. Muscular relaxation will be achieved and a double-lung tube will be inserted for one lung ventilation. Protective ventilatory settings and hemodynamic goal-directed with limited fluids infusion to maintain normovolemia will be applied as reported previously.36 Patients will be extubated in the operating room and then transferred in the intermediate care unit (or intensive care unit [ICU]). In the both groups, similar perioperative care will be conducted including namely prophylactic antibiotics, chest physical therapy and mobilization scheme until hospital discharge.

1.5. Statistical Analysis

1.5.1. Sample Size

Assuming an incidence > 39% PPCs and expecting 33% reduction of PPCs in thoracic surgery patients, 203 patients will be required in each arm (significance level of 0.05 and power of 80%) 11. Taking into account dropouts (5%) and in-hospital mortality rate (2.0%), a total of 436 thoracic surgery patients will be enrolled. Among functional studies, determination of MIP is a key element. For an expected 25% increase in MIP (from 85 to 101 cm of water, baseline standard deviation of 24)37 and with an alpha level of 0.05 and a power of 80%, 21 patients will be required in each arm (total of 84).

1.5.2. Data Analysis

Data will be summarized by numbers and proportions, means (SD) and medians (quartiles) for normal and non-normal distributions. The impact of AET-IMT on the incidence of PPCs will be evaluated by chi-square statistics and Kaplan-Meyer analysis. Analysis of variance, t-tests and Mann-Whitney U statistics will be used to compare continuous outcomes between groups. Multivariable regression models will be fitted to main outcomes with treatment and baseline characteristics of participants as predictors to identify and adjust for potential confounders. Other outcomes (for example, lung function, respiratory muscle function, quality of life) will be compared between groups using linear regression for parametric data or the Mann–Whitney U Test for non-parametric data and the repeated measurements method to determine differences between time points.

1.6. Risk Benefit Assesment

The intervention of inspiratory muscle training is safely adviced in critical care patients 38–40, congestive heart failure41 and patients in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases42. Similarly, a more vigorous preoperative exercise training has been demonstrated to be feasible and safe in surgery for adenocarcinoma of the gastro-oesophageal junction43.  Therefore, such intervention is not experimental and may even represent a standard of care in some hospitals. As the level of physical activity is increased according to patients self-reported rating and under the supervision of a well-trained physiotherapist, the risk of any adverse effect (e.g., angina pectoris, hypotension) is well-controlled. Furthermore, the patient may profit from this training and the close monitoring during the postoperative visits, which may enhance patient's safety.

1.7. Data Confidentiality

All the data regarding the study will be kept in written and electronic CRFs. Individual subject medical information obtained as a result of this study will be considered confidential and confidentiality will be further ensured by utilising subject identification code numbers. The investigators will affirm and uphold the principle of the participant's right to privacy and will also comply with local applicable privacy laws.

1.8. Ethical and Regulatory Aspects (including support of departmental chairs)

This study has already been approved by the  Ethics Committee of Acıbadem University in Istanbul (ATADEK- 2018/2; Chair: Prof Dr İsmail Hakkı Ulus). The thoracic teams of the University Hospital of Geneva and other centres have also submitted the study protocol to their local Ethics Committee. The clinical study will only begin once approval from all required authorities has been received. Any additional requirements imposed by the authorities shall be implemented.

The proposed project will be led by a steering committee (Emre Sertaç Bingül, Marc Licker, Frédéric Triponez, Bengt Kayser, Fevzi Toraman, Zerrin Sungur) that will meet twice a year to examine safety issues, to review patient’s enrollment and to decide on scientific and administrative aspects. All investigators will share responsibility for the project as a whole and will have access to scientific data with monthly communication of patient’s enrolment and study processes by e-mail and teleconferences.

This study will be registered with

This study is supported by the following Departmental Chairs:

·         Prof Dr Mehmet Tuğrul (Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine)

·         Prof Dr Fevzi Toraman (Acıbadem University)

·         Prof Dr Martin Tramer (Geneva centers)

Data audit and

1.9. References:

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2.1. Personnel

·         Physiotherapists – Each centre will employ their own hospital budget for this item

·         Research data collection- coordination: A part time research assistant will be employed during 2 years in Turkey- 3000

·         Research data collection-researchers in Turkish centers (Istanbul University- Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Hospital and Acıbadem University Hospital) will use their elective research time dedicated by their department and guarenteed by their academic status to contribute to this project. Researchers in  Geneva, Lausanne and Sion (Switzerland) will be supported by their institutional research grants.

2.2. Equipment

·         IMT Device-KH5- 10 devices (8000)

·         POWERbreathe K5 + Breathe-Link PC Software

·         IMT Mouth Piece -400 patients (500 )


2.3. Other Costs

·         Educational website and on-line diary setup and maintenance – 500

2.4. Total funds requested

12000 €

2.5. Budget Justification

As our co-workers developed a trial on preoperative rehabilitation, a close and fruitful partnership has emerged between thoracic surgeons, pneumologists, anesthesiologists and physiotherapists working within two main hospitals, the HUG in Geneva and the Hôpital du Valais in Sion (HVS). A similar cooperation also exists in centers in Turkey. Although the modality of global physical training was well standardized by physiotherapists, some patients were reluctant to participate in a hospital-based training program while some others were unable to perform the prescribed training. These limitations will be overcome in the proposed trial since the AET-IMT program is focused on respiration and will be home-based with on call assistance and weekly assessment. New centres added to the study have dedicated respiratory physiotherapy teams.

Preliminary clinical tests with the respiratory training device (POWERbreath) at the HUG have been positive in terms of the feasibility to implement the training program and to perform the physiological measurements (MIP, inspiratory muscle endurance). This flow resistive inspiratory loading device has been widely adopted by several leading clinical and research groups in the field of rehabilitation. If the grant is obtained, it will mainly cover the expenses related to buy these respiratory training devices in all centres in order to start and recruit more than one patient at a time in each centre. We will apply for an additional grant to cover expenses related to in vitro lab materials.

The ultrasound device and probes (Philips CX 50, 7.5-MHz linear probe) are currently used by cardiothoracic anesthesiologists and will be available for the diaphragmatic measurements (thickness and motion) in all centres.

In vitro studies (36 patients) will be performed at the HUG and research laboratories at the University of Geneva. The HUG, CHUV, HVS and Istanbul centres will be involved in the clinical part of the study. Given the annual case load at six participating institutions,[1] the clinical study will be fully completed over a 2-year period. The grant from the EACTA will mainly be used to buy the inspiratory training devices which are used in  interventional group of the study. Complementary grant(s) will be sought for completion of the study to finance in vitro studies.

2.7. List of facilities, equipment, supplies and services

The trial will be conducted in Switzerland and in Turkey in the following hospitals:

-           the Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (HUG),

-           the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) in Lausanne,

-           the Hôpital du Valais in Sion,

-           Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Hospital in Istanbul

-           Acıbadem University Hospital in Istanbul

All centres have adequate preoperative clinics with dedicated physiotherapy teams and have the facilities to perform diaphragm ultrasound.

3. CV of Applicants

Emre Sertaç Bingul, who was born in 1988, has graduated from Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty in 2012. He completed his anaesthesiology residency at the same school after a five-year training in 2017. He has passed the both written and oral European Diploma of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care (EDAIC) examinations which is held by European Society of Anaesthesiology and become a Diplomate. After working as an attending anaesthesiologist in Istanbul Medical Faculty for several months, he has been appointed for the obligatory service of Turkish Ministry of Health for the next two years which takes place in Rize Recep Tayyip Erdogan Training and Research Hospital recently. During this period, he took part as an “examiner” in oral Turkish Society of Anesthesiology and Reanimation Competency Board Examination and his two articles (Effects of Heart Rate Control on Oxygenation and Vasopressor Need in Sepsis and Septic Shock: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Study and Large Intraatrial Mass as a Cause of Acute Respiratory Failure: An Anaesthesiologic approach to preserve cardiorespiratory cycle and literature review) are accepted to be published in national journals. He is interested in respiratory physiology, thoracic anesthesia, cardiovascular anaesthesia and peripheral blocks. Lately, he was accepted to the exchange programme in Barcelona (Hospital de Clinic) which is held by European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiology (EACTA).

Marc Licker studied at the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium) where he obtained a doctor's degree and, in 1982, a doctorate. He then specializes in anesthesiology and resuscitation. After a Fellowship at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal from 1988 to 1990, then at the Hospital Center of Liège, he joined the University Hospital in Geneva at the Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care in 1990, where he was appointed assistant physician in 1996. He is currently Associate Assistant Physician , in charge of the anesthesia unit of the central blocks. His clinical expertise is in anesthesia and resuscitation of cardiac, vascular and thoracic surgery patients. An appreciated teacher both at the pre-graduate and postgraduate level, Marc Licker is also a researcher whose work is in the field of cardiopulmonary physiology and perioperative risk management. Appointed assistant professor of the Faculty of Medicine of UNIGE in 1999, then associate professor in the Department of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology and Intensive Care in 2007, he was promoted to the position of full professor in 2015 and he is currently lecturer in integrative physiology and respiratory physiology. He has authored about 200 papers in the field of critical care medicine as well as cardiovascular and thoracic anesthesia. From 2007 to 2014, he has been member of the Respiration subcommittee at the European Society of Anesthesiology and from 2009, he is member of the Thoracic subcommittee at the European Association of Cardio-Thoracic Anesthesia.

Bengt Kayser is director and full professor at the Institute of Sports Sciences of the University of Lausanne in Switzerland. After his medical studies at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands he engaged in an academic career in the field of exercise physiology with a special interest in hypoxia. After obtaining his PhD at the Free University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, he worked at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, before joining the University of Geneva in Switzerland. After preparing the merger of the Lausanne and Geneva institutes of sports and movement sciences he now is at the University of Lausanne since 2013. His research interests concern the factors limiting endurance exercise performance, altitude medicine and physiology, respiratory mechanics during exercise, doping and anti-doping, and the relationship between physical activity, energy balance and (public) health and its determinants in different settings. He has authored more than 200 papers in the field of exercise physiology.

Frédéric Triponez studied medicine and basic training in surgery in Geneva. He completed his training in endocrine surgery (thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal) in Lille and San Francisco. Back in Geneva in 2005, he developed this endocrine surgery activity and continued his training in thoracic surgery and spent 2 years in one of the largest French and European centers of thoracic surgery in Paris. Since 2013, he is the Chief Medical Officer of the Department of Thoracic and Endocrine Surgery of the HUG as well as an ordinary professor at the Faculty of Medicine. He is appointed Chief of the Department of Surgery on October 1, 2018. Since 2011, the HUG surgical team has introduced and developed minimally invasive (thoracoscopic) and robotic (Da Vinci) surgical techniques, including lung resections for cancer. Current research and developments focus on limited resections for thoracoscopic cancer, to minimize the extent of lung resection, particularly for small lung cancers (typically <2 cm). This approach allows healing as good as with more extensive resection, with minimal impact on quality of life. Innovative techniques using fluorescent markers are applied for the precise identification of the areas to be resected. He has authored more than 100 papers in the field of endocrine and thoracic surgery.

Zerrin Sungur graduated from Istanbul Faculty of Medicine in 1995 and was licensed as anesthesiologist from Dept. of Anesthesiology and Reanimation of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine in 2001. She earned degree of Associated Professorship in 2011 and became full professor in 2018. Her publications are focused on cardiac and thoracic anesthesia (27 in SCIE journals) with an H index of 8, and also contributed in Postoperative Care in Thoracic Surgery book. She has already participated in PERISCOPE and LAS VEGAS trials and is the national coordinator of POSE trial with ESA. She has worked as Secretary General in Board of Turkish Society of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Anesthesiologists between 2012 and 2014.  She is a member of PBM team in Turkish Cardiovascular and Thoracic Anesthesiologists &Surgeons Collaboration and member of Executive Board in Turkish Society of Anesthesiology & Reanimation between 2018-2020. She also performed as member of scientific Pediatric Subcommittee in European Association of Cardiothoracic Anesthesiologists between 2017-19.

Fevzi Toraman graduated from Karadeniz Technical University Medical Faculty in 1986 and was licensed as anesthesiologist from Siyami Ersek Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Center Istanbul, Turkey in 1994. He earned degree of Associated Professorship in 1999 and became full professor in 2008. Her publications are focused on cardiac and thoracic anesthesia (63 articles). He is a member of Turkish Society of Anesthesiology, Turkish Society of Intensive Care, Turkish Society of Thoracic and cardiovascular Anesthesia and intensive care, Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery (TSCVS) and European Association for Cardiothoracic Anesthesia (EACTA). He is also the chair of Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation in Acıbadem University.


[1] The public hospitals of Geneva, Lausanne and Sion are covering a region with 1.4 million inhabitants and the annual caseload of thoracic surgery is approximately 800 procedures. Likewise,  centers in Istanbul are covering a region with 16 million inhabitants with a high number of medical facilities. The centers each have roughly 200 cases per year.